Buy an Existing Business or Build Your Own?

02/15/2023 08:52 PM By Tom

Pros and Cons of Buying a Business vs. Starting a Business from Scratch

Manhattan nighttime
Entrepreneurship is a popular career choice for many individuals who want to be their own boss and pursue their passion. However, when it comes to starting a business, there are two main options: buying an existing business or starting a business from scratch. Each option has its own set of advantages and challenges, making it important for aspiring entrepreneurs to weigh their options carefully before making a decision.

While buying a business can be a great option for some entrepreneurs, it's not always the best choice. It's important to consider the pros and cons of buying a business versus starting a business from scratch to make an informed decision.

Pros and Cons of Buying an Existing Business

Buying an established business definitely has its pros and cons - here are a few you should consider.

Pros of buying an existing business

  • Established Brand: When you buy an existing business, you're buying a brand that has already been established. The business has an existing customer base, reputation, and track record of success.
  • Immediate Cash Flow: An established business already has revenue coming in, which means you can start generating income right away.
  • Existing Systems: A business that has been operating for some time likely has existing systems in place, such as inventory management, accounting, and marketing.
  • Experienced Employees: When you buy a business, you may inherit experienced employees who know the business and industry, which can be a valuable asset.
  • Established Customer Base: One of the biggest advantages of buying a business is that it already has an established customer base. This can be especially beneficial if the business has a loyal following, as you can immediately start making sales and generating revenue.
  • Proven Business Model: An established business has already gone through the trial and error of figuring out what works and what doesn't. As such, you can rely on a proven business model that has already been successful.
  • Easier Financing: Financing can be easier to obtain when buying an existing business because lenders can see the business's track record of success, making it a less risky investment.

Cons of buying an existing business

  • Higher Cost: Buying an established business can be more expensive than starting a business from scratch, as you're not only paying for the assets and inventory but also the existing brand and reputation.
  • Existing Problems: An established business may have existing problems that you'll need to address, such as outdated systems or negative customer reviews.
  • Limited Flexibility: When you buy a business, you're buying a set of existing systems, processes, and employees, which may limit your ability to make changes or implement your own ideas.
  • Potential Liabilities: When you buy an existing business, you also inherit any liabilities that come with it, such as legal or financial problems.
  • Cultural Differences: If you're buying a business that has a distinct culture or way of doing things, it can be difficult to assimilate and make the business your own.
  • Staffing Challenges: While having experienced employees can be a plus, it can also be challenging to integrate them into your management style and company culture.

Pros and Cons of Starting a Business from Scratch

Starting a new business from scratch can be a great option for some entrepreneurs (and honestly, it is my preferred option). However, consider these pros and cons when you start your own shop.

Pros of starting a new business

  • Lower Cost: Starting a business from scratch can be less expensive than buying an established business, as you're starting with a clean slate.
  • Complete Control: Starting a business from scratch means you have complete control over the business's direction, processes, and employees.
  • Flexibility: When you start a business from scratch, you have the freedom to create your own systems and processes that fit your unique vision and goals.
  • Unlimited Potential: Starting a business from scratch means you have unlimited potential for growth and success. You're not bound by existing systems or processes, which means you can tailor the business to your unique vision.
  • Opportunity for Innovation: When starting a business from scratch, you have the opportunity to innovate and bring something new to the market, which can be exciting and rewarding.

Cons of starting a new business

  • No Established Brand: Starting a business from scratch means you have to build a brand from the ground up, which can take time and effort.
  • No Immediate Cash Flow: Starting a business from scratch means you won't have any revenue coming in right away, which means you may have to rely on savings or loans to get started.
  • No Experienced Employees: Starting a business from scratch means you'll have to find and train employees from scratch, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • High Failure Rate: Starting a business from scratch comes with a high failure rate, as there are no guarantees of success. It can take time and effort to build a profitable business.
  • More Time-Consuming: Starting a business from scratch can be more time-consuming than buying an established business, as you have to create everything from scratch.
  • Limited Resources: Starting a business from scratch means you have limited resources, which can make it difficult to compete with established businesses in terms of marketing, branding, and customer acquisition.


In conclusion, the decision to buy an existing business or start a business from scratch is not an easy one. Both options have their own set of pros and cons, and it ultimately comes down to the individual entrepreneur's goals and circumstances. Those who value an established brand, immediate cash flow, and existing systems may find buying a business to be the best option. On the other hand, those who prioritize complete control, unlimited potential, and flexibility may prefer starting a business from scratch.

Regardless of which option entrepreneurs choose, there are steps they can take to increase their chances of success. Research is key to making informed decisions, so entrepreneurs should thoroughly research the industry, market, and competition before making any investments. It is also important to develop a business plan, which outlines the business's goals, target audience, marketing strategies, and financial projections. Finally, networking and seeking mentorship can be valuable resources for entrepreneurs, as they can provide guidance and support through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Ultimately, whether an entrepreneur chooses to buy an existing business or start a business from scratch, it is important to remain flexible and adaptable. Entrepreneurship is a constantly evolving journey, and it is essential to be willing to pivot and adjust strategies as needed to achieve success. With careful planning, research, and a willingness to take risks and learn from failures, aspiring entrepreneurs can turn their dreams of owning a successful business into a reality.

Either way, I wish you good luck!

Thomas Michael
Tomco Capital Corporation